10統計的推定と仮説検定 / Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing (2)


  1. 量的変数の関係
    Relationships Between Quantitative Variables

1. 量的変数の関係/Relationships Between Quantitative Variables

10.3.1 Excel による散布グラフとバブルチャート/Visualizing Relationships: Scatter and Bubble Charts in Excel

本ウェブページは『超入門 はじめてのAI・データサイエンス』第10章の10.3に対応したコードを埋め込んでいます。まずは,量的データの2変数関係を把握するのは散布図についてです。 動画ではExcelによる散布図の他に,途中でバブルチャートの作り方も見せていますが,バブルチャートのできないPC環境があるようです。過去にはPCが固まってしまう人もいたようなので,バブルチャートを試すのであれば,その前に必ずファイルを保存またはバックアップをとっておきましょう。

This webpage corresponds to Section10.3 of Session 10. The primary method for understanding the relationship between two quantitative variables is the scatter plot. The video shows scatter plot in Excel and bubble chart, too. There seem to be environments where bubble charts are not supported. In the past, some people experienced freezing issues with their computers, so please save or back up files before attempting the bubble chart.

ここでのタスクは, 年齢とカード利用回数は関係があるかを探索することです。 散布図では,その横軸(X)も縦軸(Y)も量的データになります。 Xが独立変数または説明変数,Yが従属変数または目的変数でしたが,この場合,年齢によってカードの利用回数は変わるかもしれませんが,カードの利用回数によって年齢は変わらないので,X軸が年齢,Y軸がカード利用回数となるのが適切です。

The task here is to explore whether there is a relationship between age and card usage frequency. In a scatter plot, both the X-axis and Y-axis represent quantitative data. The X-axis is the independent or explanatory variable, while the Y-axis is the dependent or response variable. In this case, age may influence the card usage frequency, but the card usage frequency does not affect age. Therefore, it is appropriate to use age as the X-axis and card usage frequency as the Y-axis.


Here is what is done in the video. From the sheet, select Age and Card columns. Be careful not to select the total row. Excel will automatically assign the leftmost column as the X-axis, but you can always switch the columns for the X-axis and Y-axis. Choose "Insert" and then select "Scatter" from the "Charts" section.
As an exploratory analysis with visualization, visually examine the characteristics of the data. From the chart, observe three main points.


First, tendencies of relationship. In the video, the overall distribution is upward-sloping, indicating a positive relationship between age and the number of card transactions, i.e., the older the age, the more frequent the card usage. Although the relationship is not necessarily linear, in the case of a linear relationship, if the distribution is downward-sloping, there would be a negative relationship, or if there is no relationship between X and Y, the plot would have values distributed around the mean value of Y (the horizontal line parallel to the X axis) as shown in the figure below.


Second, check the range and concentration of the distribution. In the video, the age data includes only ages 18 and older.

第3に,外れ値を確認します。 これがなぜ問題になる可能性があるかというと,たとえば下図のように,ほとんどのプロットがランダムに分布しているのに,外れ値(下図の赤い丸)によってまるで右上がりの正の関係があるかのような統計量が出てしまうことがあるからです。 悪い場合には,この外れ値は異常値ですらなく,データクリーニングの不足による誤ったデータが入り込んでいるケースである場合もあります。なので,分析をする前に可視化をしてデータを確かめておくことが大切なのです。 なお特定の値を外れ値として分析から外すかどうかは分析者の判断で,外す場合には報告書に記しておく必要があります。

Third, check outliers. The reason why outliers can be a problem is that, for example, as shown in the figure below, even if most of the plots are randomly distributed, one outlier (red circles in the figure below) can produce statistics that make it look as if there is an upward-sloping, positive relationship. In the worst case, the outlier may not even be an outlier, but rather a case of incorrect data due to insufficient data cleaning. Therefore, it is important to visualize and check the data before analyzing. It is the analyst's judgment whether or not to exclude certain values as outliers, and it should be noted in the report if excluded.

X軸の最小値を15歳にします。つぎに動画では,外れ値が誰であるかを確かめています。 ラベルオプションでY値のチェックを外して,セルの値にチェックを入れ,範囲に氏名のセル範囲を指定して、外れた値の個人を特定しました。 確認後は,データラベルを消しておきます。そして軸ラベルを入れました。

The minimum value of the X axis is set to 15 years old. In the video, outliers are identified by unchecking the "Y value" in the Label Options, checking "Value from Cells" instead, and specifying the cell range of "Name" in "Data Label Range. After identifying outlier, the data labels are removed. Then Axis Titles are added.

動画では3変数の関係を把握するバブルチャートに変えています。 バブルチャートは3つ目の変数を入れることが出来る便利な図です。 ここでは3つ目の変数はAmount(動画では>「金額」)にしています。グラフの種類からバブルチャートを選び,データのバブルサイズがすべて1になっているのを消去して,Amountのセル範囲を入れました。 バブルが大きすぎてわかりづらいので,バブルを小さくするのに,バブルのどこでもよいのでクリックをして書式設定を出し,バブルの大きさを小さくしました。その後,色を変えて,タイトルを付けました。

In the video, the scatter plot was turned into a bubble chart that captures the relationship of three variables. The bubble chart is a convenient chart that allows for the inclusion of a third variable. In the video, the third variable is Amount. I chose a bubble chart from the chart type, erased all the bubble sizes of the data that were all set to 1, and put in a cell range for Amount. If bubbles were too large to understand, click anywhere on the bubbles to bring up the format selection to reduce the size of the bubbles. I then changed the color and added a title.

日本語と英語の字幕入り / Video with English and Japanese subtitles

10.3.2 相関/Correlation

それでは,XYに正・負の関係があるかどうかをどのように数値にすれば良いでしょうか?xの偏差 × yの偏差の積を考えてみましょう。

How can we quantify whether there is a positive or negative relationship between X and Y? Let us consider the product of the deviation of x and the deviation of y.


As seen in the above image, if we divide the data into four areas with the mean values at the center, when the relationship is positive, there are more plots in the lower left and upper right areas where the product above will be positive, and when the relationship is negative, there are more plots in the upper left and lower right areas where the product above will be negative. Covariance sxy is the average of the products above, which shows a positive relationship when the value is positive and a negative relationship when the value is negative. However, since the magnitude of the value depends on the unit, it is not suitable for determining the magnitude of the relationship.


\[s_{xy}=\frac{\sum{(x_i-\overline{x})×(y_i-\overline{y})}}{n}=\frac{Sum \, of \, products \, of \, deviations}{total \, number}\]


Dividing by the standard deviation adjusts the scales to be comparable, so divide the covariance by the standard deviation of x and the standard deviation of y. That allows us compare the magnitude of associations.



This is Pearson's correlation coefficient r, a statistic often used to measure the relationship between two quantitative variables.

COVARIANCE.Sで共分散, CORRELで相関を表示できます。 COVARIANCE.Sは標本から母集団の共分散を推定する不偏共分散で,上記の共分散の数式の分母をnではなく,n-1にしたものとなります。


COVARIANCE.S displays covariance, and CORREL displays correlation. COVARIANCE.S is an unbiased covariance that estimates the covariance of the population from the sample, and its denominator in the above formula is n-1 instead of n.

日本語と英語の字幕入り / Video with English and Japanese subtitles

10.3.3 線形回帰/Linear Regression

Xが大きいほどYが大きくなる正の相関,Xが大きいほどYが小さくなる負の相関に見られるように,XYに直線的な関係があるとき,最小二乗法でプロットの中心を通る線を引いたものを回帰直線と言います。 このようにYXに回帰させるのに直線を使うモデルを,線形回帰モデル(linear regression model)と言います。その直線を表す数式を回帰式と言います。

When there is a linear relationship between X and Y, as seen in the positive correlation where X becomes larger when Y becomes larger and the negative correlation where X becomes larger when Y becomes smaller, a line drawn through the center of the plot using the least squares method is called a regression line. A model that uses a straight line to regress Y on X is called a linear regression model. The equation representing the line is called the regression equation.

       標本回帰式: \(y_i=b_0+b_1x_{1i}+e_i\)
       予測回帰モデル: \(\hat{y_i}=b_0+b_1x_{1i}\)
       母回帰式: \(y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_{1i}+\varepsilon_i\)

       Sample Regression Equation: \(y_i=b_0+b_1x_{1i}+e_i\)
       Predictive Regression Model: \(\hat{y_i}=b_0+b_1x_{1i}\)
       Population Regression Equation: \(y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_{1i}+\varepsilon_i\)

母回帰式における係数b0b1は母集団におけるパラメータを表して, 最後のεが誤差です。標本から計算されるb0β0の推定値,b1β1の推定値とします。

The sample regression equation formula represents the plot position of the points of data for the ith case. The last ei represents the deviation (residual) of case i from the predictions from the regression line.
The Sample Prediction Equation formula represents the regression equation line on the sample. The hat (^) symbol represents the predicted value. b0 is the intercept and b1 is the slope.
The coefficients b0 and b1 in the population regression equation represent parameters in the population, and the last ε is the error. The b0 computed from the sample is the β0 estimate and the b1 is the β1 estimate.
When performing regression analysis, it is common to perform multiple regression analysis. In that case, multiple X (in this case n) are fed into the equation as below.

       線形重回帰モデル: \(y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_{1i}+\beta_2x_{2i}+\beta_3x_{3i}…+\beta_nx_{ni}\)

       Multiple Regression Model: \(y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_{1i}+\beta_2x_{2i}+\beta_3x_{3i}…+\beta_nx_{ni}\)

下の動画では回帰直線を作り,回帰式とR2を確認しています。動画のデータとみなさんのデータは違いますが,Excelの操作は同じです。グラフをクリックして(Win)+[プラス]印; (Mac)グラフ要素の追加から、近似曲線,近似曲線のオプションを「線形」にします。 書式設定でR2を表示させましょう。

In the video below, a regression line is created and the regression equation and R2 are shown. Although the data in the video and your data are different, how to do it with Excel is the asame. Click on the graph (Win) + [plus] sign; (Mac) From Add Chart Element, Trendline (Approximation Curve), set the option for Trendline to Linear. In the format selection, you can select R2.

R2決定係数といい,変数の分散を説明できるほど大きな値になります。 決定係数 R2 = 0.0649 ということは,Xによって説明できるYのばらつきが全体の6.5%だという意味です。 極端な話、仮に各点が回帰線の上にぴったり載っていたとしたら,XによってYの値のばらつきをすべて説明できたということになり,その場合決定係数は1.00(100%)となるわけです。

R2 is called the coefficient of determination and indicates the proportion of the variance of Y explained by X. The coefficient of determination R2 = 0.0649 means that the variance of Y explained by X is 6.5% of the total. In the extreme case, if each point were exactly on the regression line, then X would explain all the variation in Y values, and the coefficient of determination would be 1.00 (100%).

それぞれの近似曲線の数式がどうなっているかも,グラフに数式を表示するにチェックを入れて確認することができます。動画では,グラフタイトルを「年齢とカード利用回数の関係」とし,ワークシート名をScatterにしました。 これで今回の散布図の完成です。

You can also check the Display Equations on chart to see what the equation looks like in the Trendline. In the video, the title ("Relationship between Age and Number of Card Usage") is added and the name of the worksheet ("Scatter") is added, too. This completes the scatterplot for this session.


単回帰場合の決定係数 R2 は,ピアソンの相関係数rの二乗となります。

The coefficient of determination R2 in simple regression is the square of Pearson's correlation coefficient r.

回帰係数bはβ1の推定値ですが,この場合のように回帰係数がr=0.06ぐらいでは,β1=0という帰無仮説通りの(つまり,回帰直線に傾きがない)母集団からかなりの確率で得られるような数値であるかもしれません。 ここで前回学んだt分布を応用し,β1=1の95%信頼区間に0が含まれれば,有意水準α=0.05で回帰係数(傾き)は統計的に有意とは言えないことがわかります。 以下ではPythonによる相関と線形回帰を紹介します。

The regression coefficient b is an estimate of β1, but as in this case, when the regression coefficient is around b=0.06, it may be obtained with a high probability from a population with β1=0, which is the null hypothesis (i.e., the regression line has no slope). Here, applying the t-distribution we learned last time, if the 95% confidence interval of β1=1 contains 0, we know that the regression coefficient (slope) is not statistically significant at the significance level α=0.05. Below, I will introduce correlation and linear regression with Python.

日本語と英語の字幕入り / Video with English and Japanese subtitles

10.3.4 Python による相関/Correlation in Python


Here, a table named invoice created in SQL is imported in Python and the correlation between its AMOUNT and DOLLAR is calculated.

Colabはマウントし(第6章参照),SQLiteと接続しておきます(第8章参照)。テーブルinvoiceの含まれるtrial.db(第7章参照))をColab Notebooksのdataに入れておきます。

Colab should be mounted (refer to Session 06) and connected to SQLite (refer to Session 08). Put into your Colab Notebooks the file "trial.db" containing the table "invoice" (refer to Session 07).


The library pandas is also imported with the alias pd (see Session 05), and use its function read_sql to import the data to be stored as a data frame "df6".The code below is code-1.

import sqlite3
import pandas as pd 
conn = sqlite3.connect("/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/data/tool1.db")
query = "SELECT*FROM invoice;"
df6 = pd.read_sql(query, conn) 


Code-2 below is for the case where the process is not split using query or conn.

df6 = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM invoice;', sqlite3.connect("/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/data/tool1.db"))


Now that we have df6, code-3 below uses pandas.DataFrame.corr as a method to a dataframe object df6, to compute the correlation between the amount and dollar columns.

r = df6["amount"].corr(df6["dollar"])

10.3.5 Python による線形回帰/Linear Regression in Python


In this section, we use regression analysis to test the relationship between flipper length and body mass of penguins visualized in Session 08.


Code-4 below imports the necessary libraries and data, deletes the missing values, and stores the resulting penguin data in df2.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
!pip install japanize-matplotlib 
import japanize_matplotlib
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression 
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

df = sns.load_dataset("penguins") 
df2 = df.dropna()


The regression analysis in Code-5 below uses LinearRegression from the scikit-learn library.

lr = LinearRegression()
x = df2[["flipper_length_mm"]].values 
y = df2["body_mass_g"].values 
y_pred = lr.predict(x)


Code-6 below displays the regression coefficient, the intercept, and the coefficient of determination are displayed

print("回帰係数 = ", lr.coef_[0])
print("切片 = ", lr.intercept_)
print("決定係数 = ", r2_score(y,y_pred))
print("Regression coefficient = ", lr.coef_[0])
print("Intercept = ", lr.intercept_)
print("Coefficient of determination = ", r2_score(y,y_pred))


Code-7 below uses the library for OLS to display representative stats.

import statsmodels.api as sm 
x2 = sm.add_constant(x)
est = sm.OLS(y, x2)
est2 = est.fit() 